Monday, March 30, 2009

Phail of the Week

A new weekly post all about fails.
"The next morning as Sarah went out to get her newspaper, half asleep, she fell down, she then woke up 3 weeks later in Princeton-Plainsborogh Teaching Hospital, while being stared at by Dr. House. Submit your own and maybe I'll put them in.
Easiest to find them at

Greetings all, (edit)

My name is simply "2401" that is what you will call me. I have recently legally hacked my way to be able to post (just kidding i was let in by someone) about Filefront that really stinks. So about me, I used to be a WoW addict. I went to re-hab. Now I play Age of Conan. I am still very interested in the Warcraft series, I am trying to learn and memorize all the lore. Go ahead guess what I'm thinking. Your result does not matter to me puny human, I am an advanced A.I.. I have access to just about everything, just kidding. 2401 is my "codename" the mere mention of my real file name will get you the death penalty. "M" may call me "Phill" it has to have 2 l's or it isn't me. The rest of you may call me ""
"Accessed from C:/Windows/AI/"

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

And then there were (edit) Five or six.........?

Greetings to all.

You may call me "M."
I've recently been given posting rights on this Web log, so it is in my best interest to let it be known from whom you will be reading.

I am the currently the second person to be given posting rights, I have no idea who else will be joining us, but that's well within my comfort zone.
The creator of this blog, you've probably met.
The third contributor, has not been added as "Contributor" yet, and he would be the aforementioned "Karawasa".
Along with more then a few people who are unbeknown to me, there seems to be a gathering of at least....oh say five people.
I however, are the oddball of the group.
I encourage you......if you so check out my very fanciful and ramblomatic "personal" blog, as to gain more info ascertaining to my identity, and personality.

It can be located here.

It features semi-regular rantings, on any and/or all subjects tagged "Controversial" and "Too cool for school".

In addition to my trolling board, I will set up a nest in this general area, come Friday Nights, so as to keep up a good record for my semi-regular posting schedule, which does in fact, happen to be non-existent.

From now, until then, I would ask you to keep all your comments on this blog filed under "Clean" and "Sterile".
The owner of this blog will most likely think the same.




Well I've learned that Filefront and all related sites will be going down on March 30th. Not much info is given which is a little odd. Could probably find some if I dug around but it's not really worth it. Since Filefront is going down that means jk3files as well. The team there is working on a new site I guess but this will probably knock a lot of people away. The jk3 community will probably decay at a higher rate now. I hope it doesn't. It is a fun game.
Skeptic time.
Disclaimer: This is just skepticism, it may or may not be true. Don't take as fact
Ok so since it is closing on March 30th I had an idea. What if this is just a very cruel prank filefront is playing. It closes the day before April 1st and reopens saying that it was all a joke. If this actually does happen it would be very cruel of them and cause many people to be driven away.
End Skeptic Time.
Doubt that is a joke. Sorta wish it was though.

I still have not gotten around to writing my first big thing. I'm lazy, so what.

Say hi, my non-existant readers, to Karawasa. A friend who may also be writing here.

Well I may post something if I get around to it, but for now ttfn.

Monday, March 23, 2009


This is my blog.
I'm not sure if I'll update much.
Probably will post as I make/find stuff.
