Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Well I've learned that Filefront and all related sites will be going down on March 30th. Not much info is given which is a little odd. Could probably find some if I dug around but it's not really worth it. Since Filefront is going down that means jk3files as well. The team there is working on a new site I guess but this will probably knock a lot of people away. The jk3 community will probably decay at a higher rate now. I hope it doesn't. It is a fun game.
Skeptic time.
Disclaimer: This is just skepticism, it may or may not be true. Don't take as fact
Ok so since it is closing on March 30th I had an idea. What if this is just a very cruel prank filefront is playing. It closes the day before April 1st and reopens saying that it was all a joke. If this actually does happen it would be very cruel of them and cause many people to be driven away.
End Skeptic Time.
Doubt that is a joke. Sorta wish it was though.

I still have not gotten around to writing my first big thing. I'm lazy, so what.

Say hi, my non-existant readers, to Karawasa. A friend who may also be writing here.

Well I may post something if I get around to it, but for now ttfn.

1 comment:

  1. i did not know this!!

    I can see it now. Its all a big joke.
