Wednesday, August 5, 2009

In response to...

Well, I guess I'm responding to a post by "2401nce", which came a couple before this one.
You can find it here.

I would just leave a comment, but the comment would be very long. :S
So here goes.

The following is proof that I, the author of this post, am a legally bound jackass, a jackass that likes to think. Read at your own leisurely risk.

I don't know why some Christians won't put up a good debate on the major questions.
I myself am a Christian, and I assume, through point of fact, that it's their own blatant ignorance (That is, I'm calling those select Christians ignorant).
Of course that is the ultimate cause of their failure to change any opinions. It's probably because it's that they've just become a Christian, and they think that it gives them the power to change people's hearts at whim. Wouldn't that ability have some diabolical uses...

See, I used to be kind of like the Christian you describe. But now I'm lazy. I'm not beating people over their heads with Scripture now, because, I do believe that if God wants people to believe, he'll make them willing. That's my opinion, and it's simple. Don't take it as a declaration of personal feud please, It's just my way of thinking. :O

You are very correct in that most Christians become so after their own parents. That obviously, is not the only motivation people have to become one. But, lots of people don't even become Christian, because they believe that their parents' faith secures them. Which could be why they eventually lose what faith they had, and shift towards agnosticism, or atheism.
Of course, conversely, that isn't the only way people become Non-Christian
I wouldn't really know, I don't exactly have a degree in this stuff. o_O
But now I'm rambling.

I was actually quite confused over your post, I didn't really figure out if you're an agnostic, or an atheist?
It doesn't matter I guess, I just couldn't interpret correctly.

About Slavery, Homosexuality, and killing, and why God allows so much death, and shit.
I don't know why God condones it. The Bible does make it clear that He HATES it, and that it's all part of His big plan for everything, but that leads me to question it further, and then from there, Scripture seems to contradict itself. That or I haven't read it right, or read enough of it for that matter.

I guess I'm asking you to think of it from my standpoint, OR, assume for the sake of argument, that God exists, and is omnipotent, and very big.
Do you really think that we understand Him, and His plans of why He allows such things? It's not like He's going to tell us, that would do nothing but further the cause, one or the other, but not both.
I'm just asking you to think logically about it is all.

I've actually thought about this from both sides.
I realize that from a Non-Christian standpoint, if you ask why God does something, and then they say that they don't understand God, or why he allows corruption...that does seem to be a circular argument, and there is reason to question it further.

I guess, that there's nothing to suggest lack of, or proof of an omnipotent being. It's not like the Christians have it right, and the Non are completely wrong about it, or vice versa!

That's probably that's why questioning people who are so sure of their own beliefs becomes pointless after a time, believe me, I know from experience. @_x

I'm really not trying to speak out against Non-Christians.

I'm just trying to understand many things, and I suggest everyone reading do the same, and not be so quick to dismiss other people as wrong.

I guess that's all.

Keep the flaming down to a max of four paragraphs please, otherwise, send me an email, or write a response.


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