Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Super Special Awesome!
Fan comics have been in the works, too. Mostly just a few-paneled strips, but they're getting there. I have this great Doctor Who comic I just need to ink and upload. I'm probably going to put it on my blog, . Ideas for fanfictions have also been in abundance, but I lack the patience and/or the drive to actually do them. They're getting there, though! Whoo!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
How Much Kids Are Like Their Parents
Many kids are like their parents but many of them don't want to recognize it. It seems to me like a kid will somehow inherit traits of parents through some means. Be this by genetics, picking it up just from being with them, and/or some other means.
Many teens/kids don't want to recognize this because well with kids it doesn't really mater but with teens it seems like many hate their parents and want to be nothing like them when they grow up. I mean like I like my dad most of the time but sometimes he seems to have really bad judgement on some things and is quick to anger and is stubborn. The stubborn I think both me and me sis have, it seems to be a common thing in my family, may not show to my friends much but I am stubborn in many ways.
Hmm sorta getting lost in my own mind which seems to be trying to escape something, but iono what. As I was saying, people grow up their parents for the most part, and spend much of their early years learning from them so it makes sense in a way that certain things would be observed from the childs perspective and become engrained their brain somehow. How people act seems to be based on how they were raised (how they were treated, what they watched, what they saw, how others acted, and so on) and also some things are probably based on genetics (I don't know much bout this so I shall stay away from it). The nature vs nuture thing is sorta stupid, if anything both play a role in it all. Wow sorta went off what I'm trying to say...maybe.
There are a couple of examples of things I see in others that are in the parents as well but many of them are friends so I don't think I shall say em. Woah, out of head experience, my mind is really zoning out right now, really tired after a long hike today + yesterday.
Um I can't go much farther so I'll publish this and mabye do it again in another post.
Numbah 1 is seriously zoning out badly
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Pokemon G/S
When I heard of this news it made me really happy, these remakes are long overdue and hopefully they don't screw these up.
Have a random screenie
I really want to get at least one of the remakes when it comes out here in the states. It's set for a Fall release in Japan and should hopefully come overseas not long after.
Click the title to go to Serebii for more details. That is all...for now.
Numbah 1 is *poof*
my first post
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
This is going somwhere...I think
Random Disclaimer Thingie
These are opinions, not to be taken as fact. What is said here may or may not be true. We are not to be blamed for anything that comes of this, but we will accept praise or gratitude. That is all, thank you. ^_^
Warning: I may reiterate myself in this. I also may get things wrong as well. You have probably also already heard much of this stuff as well or think it.
Standardized testing, a phrase that makes many students cringe. It is gruesome, it is brain melting, it takes up time that could be used progressing in other classes, overall it doesn't seem to do much. For example my Precalc teacher had stuff planned for those days, at least one day was a test, and because of the testing, eventhough my class is out of testing by D block, we can't really move forward until after testing, because of the fact that our brains will be tired and he doesn't want the two Precalc classes out of sync.
I bring up this topic today because well my grade, 11, will be taking the science necap's tomorrow and Thursday. The necap's are standardized tests done because of the no child left behind act to judge our school and all that stuff. My grade has already taken the math and reading/writing ones as of earlier this school year. It was very tiresome, even if it wasn't to bad as in how hard it was. Standardized testing takes much out of a person's energy mainly because of how it is setup.
You have to sit around doing this monotonous work for hours with short breaks in between certain parts. This can lead to a more stressful atmosphere. At my school we do it in the cafeteria on the lunch tables. The chairs on those tables have no backs. Sitting like that hurts after a bit.
The amount of work the test taker must do over this period of time is quite a bit, and most of the time for most people quite boring. This makes it harder to keep going, and the capacity to lose focus becomes much, much higher, therefore possibly making the scores lessen.
This testing will be even worse for those in the Chemistry AP class because they just took their AP test today as well. Three days of science standardized testing, wonderful.
Most of standardized testing is well standardized and in a format that is easier to grade than other formats, multiple choice is what the format is for much of it. Multiple choice tests make it so you don't even have to know how to do the problem in some situations and can use logic or guess the answer. All this is really doing is testing students test taking abilities.
Sometimes on standardized tests there are free response questions, which include short answer, essay, and other micellanious types that require the tester to write out the answer. Given the sheer volume of tests that are done these questions will probably not have much time spent on them, gradingwise. This really defeats the purpose of these questions. For many types they are analyzed for quantity and references to things that may be completely wrong not the quality of whats written. This doesn't show what the tester can do writing wise, it shows how much fluff they can put into their writting. Fluff is ok sometimes but doesn't add much to the quality of the writing. That is one of the reasons why I have a problem doing writing asignments inschool, well that and having problems starting them.
On top of this, since the many standardized tests do not directly effect the tester, the tester won't care as much about the test and how they do on it. (This is one of the reasons why our school has a new policy regarding the necap scores, if you get higher then a certain score on the ones you can be exempt from the final of your next class that is related to that subject.) Since the tester does not care as much about the test, they will not try as hard, or at all, as they would on something that affects themself.
Standardized tests shouldn't depict how well a student can perform, how skillful they are , or the quality of what they can produce in a certain are. The SAT's play a major roll in college acceptance. Almost all colleges that I know of require them. Only one that I know of has another option, which is the aplicant puts together a protfolio of what they think shows what they are capable of. This makes the SAT's a big deal for just about all college goers, and causes many of them to worry and stress over them and how they did. These tests do not really depict what a person is capable of, they show how good of a test taker they are. Being a good test taker does not mean that they are a good student. Many good students are horrible at taking tests, and do not perform well on the SAT's which hurts their chances at getting into the college(s) that they want to get into.
Conclusion: Standardized tests should be taken as how smart or how good ones abilities are in a certain area. And a few other things you probably already knew or have come to.
Well that is all the time I have for now. Hopefully I can get more posts on this here blog. Maybe some more rants about things or some other things that I have in mind. Any ideas or suggestions, just leave a comment or email us. If you think you would like to join in this army of people writing for this blog just send me a message and I'll get to you when I can.
Numbah 1 signing out.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Hmm What
Change of plans, not enough time to do that. Will do it at some point later.
Saw a double rainbow today ^_^. I <3>
Lately I haven't up to high. As in I'm not really depressed but I'm not in a high either. It has been improving lately so thats good.
After I get caught up in everything that I'm sorta behind in I might start making posts. Hopefully good ones.
I has many pics to post to ma DeviantArt so watch out for that. I also has drawings I want to do.
Hmm 9:30, time to head up.
The 1st Moog Master signing off.
Moog and Good Night
I'm (a)live!
I'm terribly sleepy today and don't really know what to write about. I procrastinated again on another project, this time for Graphic Arts I; in short it's a lot of work. I'm supposed to go get a birthday git for a friend today but I'm really tired so I'm gonna do it tomorrow. I don't know why I'm so sleepy today. It's either the sugary stuff I ate for breakfast or the 3ish hours of sleep. Bugger.
I'm determined to reread the Discworld series but unfortunately I still don't have access to all or many of them. I will do it though. There's also a slew of cartoons I need to watch. I started reading The Stand yesterday after seeing the movie a number of times. It's by Stephen King and it's about a disease that the government manufactures that gets loose and kills 99.4% of the population and the remaining people divide into two groups of good and evil with separate leaders. At least that's what the movie's about. The book is a little rambly sometimes but a lot richer.
Also I'm starting up a podcast, more on that this weekend. Any suggestions would be considered and then I'll probably be thankful but never actually say anything because I'll forget the thankfulness.
So now I'm drinking orange juice and thinking about sleep and Repo! and wishing Sparagmos Industries, the blog of my favorite animator and just about the most inspiring person I can think of at the moment, would update more often than every 4 damn months.
I want more Hershey's Hugs. Sob.
Well seeing as this isn't my dA journal and people will actually read this and I'm very sleepy, I'm off.
Smile. Tomorrow will be worse.
~ Mouse
I think so.
I should be more active....but some people's participation is as thin as VAPOR!
I've been sick.
About four days now.
Of which I haven't been able to breathe, or attend a simple music lesson.
It's not fun yo.
Who all is going to see Star Trek?
So far, it's got a 94% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Rendering it as good as a Miyazaki film, and also breaking the odd/even rule of Star Trek.
Those are only PRE-SCREENINGS!
Imagine when all the independent critics are let in.................*bingo*
So ends my outburst.
Keep comments clean, or suffer the assimilation powers of the 5th Moog Master.
~RawR >:3