Friday, April 3, 2009

The Game of Writing

I am no writer.
Ask any one of my Two Hundred Plus "In Real Life" friends, they can tell you that I lack what is commonly known as "sense of creativity".
I enjoy sharing thoughts with people, and more often then naught, my Two Hundred Plus "In Real Life" friends are...shall we say...too few to share with.
Which is why I enjoy Blogging, and Social Networking as much as I do, among other things.
They both serve as a great way to deliver thoughts and opinions into the general online community.
Social networking, not so much.
But there is a form of simile between the two principles.
Surprisingly, blogging seems to be an ever growing trend in the online community, which is a miracle in itself.
That being, most people, and I mean "most", who spend such an unhealthy amount of time online, normally don't pursue something as trivial as blogging.
It's a simple fact, that Social Networking dominates a good portion of the average adolescent person's free time.
I don't see what it's all about, to tell the truth.
I myself have an account on Myspace, and in addition, an account on Twitter as well.
Now for an average young man like myself, even I fail to see the addictive qualities in either one of those websites.
That doesn't mean it isn't there, but I'm simply saying that it isn't as bad as it's cracked up to be.
Another popular online activity, that takes up an unhealthy amount of time, is streaming video.
That's to say, in the form of Youtube, Anime, and online players located on sites such as NBC, and many others
I myself, am an Anime addict. Don't ask why, as you will get an earful. I use Youtube from time to time...and I can see how it would be useful....I also understand why TV stations such as NBC put videos of their shows on their websites.
It's quite sad to see how most young people of today are squandering their youth, on such frivolous things.
But it's not all bad.

Like I said, Blogging, is a good way to spread thoughts and ideas.
Example: A Crazy Hippie posts a perfect plan for world peace on his blog, the government discovers it, decides to screw it all and be friends with everyone. See the usefulness?

Social networking, is a good way to stay in touch with people on a more solid basis, given you have any free time.
Example: Calling long distance is too expensive, and email isn't fun anymore, what to do?
Post on their profile is what! They'll find out what they need to know sooner or later.

Video, is a good way to spread knowledge, and to help people learn new things.
Example: Jimi Hendrix creates a Youtube channel, with a series of instructional videos by him, on how to become the ultimate guitarist. Alternatively, genius mathematician posts a series of instructional videos, on how to become a math guru, all the way up to calculus.

See the potential? And Youtube is FREE!
Social Networking, is (for the most part) FREE!
Even Blogging, is FREE!

Don't take it for granted.

1 comment:

  1. This seems like it may have been spawned off the thing that Tom, I think it was, posted on the forums.
    Ug I've gotta get a post up soon.
    I think I'll do a feature soon.
