Friday, April 3, 2009


Heys peoples.

Xac here with something for those who like to think or want something to use time.

A year or two ago, can't remember, Mouse pointed me towards a podcast called LagicallyCritical. Can't remember if it had ended at that ppoint or not, but it ended with 27 episodes. It is a podcast thats goal is to get the listeners to think more.  It may have done this for me or it could've just been the time at which I listened to it was when I started thinking more than before. I dunno'.

It is a good podcast. If nothing else take a look at the site and maybe listen to on of the epsiodes with a topic that interests you.

Hmm it's been awhile since I listened to it. Maybe at some point I'll listen to it again.

Also sorry for the lack of updates. I just haven't felt like writing. I mean look at my last DeviantArt journal. Much shorter than my typical ones and I haven't been posting as frequently. I've got many things I wanna do I just don't feel like typing them up when I'm on the computer.

I'll get some stuff up at some point.

Until the time of nextness (possibly something bout the subject of perception of time)


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