Monday, August 17, 2009
nce Productions
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Cult, requesting help, and other stuff
Now that that's off my back, I am making a game and/or novel based off a universe I dubbed "Cult". Since I'll probaly be making a game, I'll need some help. Go "buy" RPG Maker VX, since I'll be using that. I need some sprites, tile sheets, some faces and bodies of everything, if your willing to help, I can't pay you, send an email to, and I'll tell you how you can help. You won't get paid but you will get credited in the game, and you can leave several easter eggs.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Yet another Youtube video, or three, or something.
This was a little something that my brother dug up. Here's the short.
There are going to be seven parts to it, like an Original Video Animation, straight-to-dvd deal.
It's set to be directed by a man named "Shinji Aramaki", who directed two very succesful films, called "Appleseed", and "Appleseed Ex Machina". They were originally conceived by Shirou Masamune, of "Ghost in the Shell" fame, but Aramaki-San was the one that gave it a good feel, and a good visual style, therefore giving it success as well.
It is going to be animated, by five studios. Not one, not two, not six, not five, well actually, yes. Five Studios are going to be doing different parts of them, and effectively switching back and forth between styles.
Now, if you bothered to notice during the video, the name "Bones" came up. Bones, otherwise known as "Studio Bonzu" is going to be one of those five studios. Bones was the studio that gave Fullmetal Alchemist its soul, and Ouran High School Host club its flair. Let's just say that it reeks of win.
The other thing I wanted to show you, was this.
Now, I am a fan of movies by M. Night Shyamalan, like "Signs", and "The Village". He is a very spirited director, for guy named "Manoj", and his stories are very fresh. This is his latest project, based off of "Avatar: The Last Airbender", the best show on the Nicktoons network, about a kid monk who can manipulate the elements, and has to accept his calling and save the world. Or something like that. Haven't seen it in quite a bit. But Still, if you look at the details of the teaser, you'll spot quality, and if you're a fan, you'll know exactly what's going on. Keep an eye out for it.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Another response
Now, slavery as forced labor against the slave's will is not a good thing. In ancient times when it was used to work off debts or as indentured servitude or such, I don't think it was so terrible. (Not going into semantics as that issue is pretty moot.)
Homosexuality is not an issue. I'm sorry. It isn't. Emphasis must be placed on sexuality. Sex is a freaky realm however you look at it, and if two (or more cough) people care about each other and don't torture, abuse, or murder passersby, then there's just nothing wrong with what they agree to do. It's not a real problem, at all, to anyone. What many people seemed to be pissed over is the idea of gay marriage because marriage is "defined" (somewhere) as a sanctified union by God via priest between a man and a woman. Somewhere else in the bible it also says that man may not lie down with man as he does with woman. a) This says nothing about lesbianism, bisexuality, or transgendered folks; b) it doesn't say anything about sex to begin with. Man may not lie down with man as with woman, well duh; men don't (usually) have vaginas, which impedes most of sexual intercourse, really. It's pretty logical; it's just a statement. And if marriage is between a man and woman, only, why can't this definition be changed, or a new one made? Do you do anything on a regular basis that requires strict adherance to rules penned thousands of years ago?
I hate vegetarianism. I really do. It doesn't achieve anything it's meant to. You kill things by breathing, by using resources that other creatures then can't. It's rather suicidal, in the same way that some people exercise too much; you're draining your body of nutrients that it needs, which you can't get from sources other than meat. It's not kind because you still kill things. I'm sure I have more to say about this, but I can't remember and need to go in a minute.
Yesterday I went to a D&D session at a friend's house, and one person there has a family of scientologists and I said that I hate scientology (having lost track of the conversation) and then someone else announced that we were all finished with talking about religion. I need to say something about this. It's very important. If you take nothing else from this post, please choose this.
People are constantly respecting each other, setting boundaries, complaining, and conflicting about various aspects of religion. I am in a very small minority group of people. We don't have special clubs. We don't get airtime on the news. We don't get our own forums and tax deductions and social understandings. We don't even get secluded colonies.
I'm celibate.
If you don't know what that means, it means that when I was fourteen years old I carefully thought about sex and its consequences and then promised myself I would never do it. Never. I will probably post more about my reasons for this later, but for now...I don't get special attention because of it. I still listen to sexual innuendo and am offended on a nearly hourly basis. People don't apologize. They don't even ask. They don't care even if they find out. Some people think it's because of some kind of trauma or that I'm crazy or that I'm an attention whore, or any number of other ridiculous and innacurate reasons. I have simply made a moral decision for myself, and have the personal conviction to stick to it.
No one considers this.
No one cares.
Choke on that, right-wingers.
~ The Maraudess of Moog, Numbah Six, mousemuffins
P.S. Another word for this is "asexuality" - plug it in to TV Tropes, it's a decent article.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Still Alive, the voice edit.
I added a voice to the original version of "Still Alive", from "Portal", and played with it, according to my liking.
Yesterday morning though, I set it to the credits of the game, and put it up on youtube.
Nothing new, or creative, I just did it. Some people like it.
If you click the title of this post, you will be taken to it. Otherwise, I'll embed it right here.
The MP3 can be found here.
Peace, have a moog burger, and pass a hug on to someone!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
In response to...
You can find it here.
I would just leave a comment, but the comment would be very long. :S
So here goes.
The following is proof that I, the author of this post, am a legally bound jackass, a jackass that likes to think. Read at your own leisurely risk.
I don't know why some Christians won't put up a good debate on the major questions.
I myself am a Christian, and I assume, through point of fact, that it's their own blatant ignorance (That is, I'm calling those select Christians ignorant).
Of course that is the ultimate cause of their failure to change any opinions. It's probably because it's that they've just become a Christian, and they think that it gives them the power to change people's hearts at whim. Wouldn't that ability have some diabolical uses...
See, I used to be kind of like the Christian you describe. But now I'm lazy. I'm not beating people over their heads with Scripture now, because, I do believe that if God wants people to believe, he'll make them willing. That's my opinion, and it's simple. Don't take it as a declaration of personal feud please, It's just my way of thinking. :O
You are very correct in that most Christians become so after their own parents. That obviously, is not the only motivation people have to become one. But, lots of people don't even become Christian, because they believe that their parents' faith secures them. Which could be why they eventually lose what faith they had, and shift towards agnosticism, or atheism.
Of course, conversely, that isn't the only way people become Non-Christian
I wouldn't really know, I don't exactly have a degree in this stuff. o_O
But now I'm rambling.
I was actually quite confused over your post, I didn't really figure out if you're an agnostic, or an atheist?
It doesn't matter I guess, I just couldn't interpret correctly.
About Slavery, Homosexuality, and killing, and why God allows so much death, and shit.
I don't know why God condones it. The Bible does make it clear that He HATES it, and that it's all part of His big plan for everything, but that leads me to question it further, and then from there, Scripture seems to contradict itself. That or I haven't read it right, or read enough of it for that matter.
I guess I'm asking you to think of it from my standpoint, OR, assume for the sake of argument, that God exists, and is omnipotent, and very big.
Do you really think that we understand Him, and His plans of why He allows such things? It's not like He's going to tell us, that would do nothing but further the cause, one or the other, but not both.
I'm just asking you to think logically about it is all.
I've actually thought about this from both sides.
I realize that from a Non-Christian standpoint, if you ask why God does something, and then they say that they don't understand God, or why he allows corruption...that does seem to be a circular argument, and there is reason to question it further.
I guess, that there's nothing to suggest lack of, or proof of an omnipotent being. It's not like the Christians have it right, and the Non are completely wrong about it, or vice versa!
That's probably that's why questioning people who are so sure of their own beliefs becomes pointless after a time, believe me, I know from experience. @_x
I'm really not trying to speak out against Non-Christians.
I'm just trying to understand many things, and I suggest everyone reading do the same, and not be so quick to dismiss other people as wrong.
I guess that's all.
Keep the flaming down to a max of four paragraphs please, otherwise, send me an email, or write a response.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
FF4 Remix Album
I shall be downloading this in a moment, and hopefully getting it on my Zune to listen to shortly.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The extremes
Steve Jobs gets bolder and bolder.
Sounds about right for photoshop users...
The price.
Nothing is solid yet, but if it is...then WOW.
Sure as hell the cheapest mac of today...o.O
I'll be back later.
Peace, moog, and hugs for all. Be sure to pass one on!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Rly cool
This makes me wanna get the Korg synth even moar
also i would like a DSi as well
Monday, June 8, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Super Special Awesome!
Fan comics have been in the works, too. Mostly just a few-paneled strips, but they're getting there. I have this great Doctor Who comic I just need to ink and upload. I'm probably going to put it on my blog, . Ideas for fanfictions have also been in abundance, but I lack the patience and/or the drive to actually do them. They're getting there, though! Whoo!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
How Much Kids Are Like Their Parents
Many kids are like their parents but many of them don't want to recognize it. It seems to me like a kid will somehow inherit traits of parents through some means. Be this by genetics, picking it up just from being with them, and/or some other means.
Many teens/kids don't want to recognize this because well with kids it doesn't really mater but with teens it seems like many hate their parents and want to be nothing like them when they grow up. I mean like I like my dad most of the time but sometimes he seems to have really bad judgement on some things and is quick to anger and is stubborn. The stubborn I think both me and me sis have, it seems to be a common thing in my family, may not show to my friends much but I am stubborn in many ways.
Hmm sorta getting lost in my own mind which seems to be trying to escape something, but iono what. As I was saying, people grow up their parents for the most part, and spend much of their early years learning from them so it makes sense in a way that certain things would be observed from the childs perspective and become engrained their brain somehow. How people act seems to be based on how they were raised (how they were treated, what they watched, what they saw, how others acted, and so on) and also some things are probably based on genetics (I don't know much bout this so I shall stay away from it). The nature vs nuture thing is sorta stupid, if anything both play a role in it all. Wow sorta went off what I'm trying to say...maybe.
There are a couple of examples of things I see in others that are in the parents as well but many of them are friends so I don't think I shall say em. Woah, out of head experience, my mind is really zoning out right now, really tired after a long hike today + yesterday.
Um I can't go much farther so I'll publish this and mabye do it again in another post.
Numbah 1 is seriously zoning out badly
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Pokemon G/S
When I heard of this news it made me really happy, these remakes are long overdue and hopefully they don't screw these up.
Have a random screenie
I really want to get at least one of the remakes when it comes out here in the states. It's set for a Fall release in Japan and should hopefully come overseas not long after.
Click the title to go to Serebii for more details. That is all...for now.
Numbah 1 is *poof*
my first post
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
This is going somwhere...I think
Random Disclaimer Thingie
These are opinions, not to be taken as fact. What is said here may or may not be true. We are not to be blamed for anything that comes of this, but we will accept praise or gratitude. That is all, thank you. ^_^
Warning: I may reiterate myself in this. I also may get things wrong as well. You have probably also already heard much of this stuff as well or think it.
Standardized testing, a phrase that makes many students cringe. It is gruesome, it is brain melting, it takes up time that could be used progressing in other classes, overall it doesn't seem to do much. For example my Precalc teacher had stuff planned for those days, at least one day was a test, and because of the testing, eventhough my class is out of testing by D block, we can't really move forward until after testing, because of the fact that our brains will be tired and he doesn't want the two Precalc classes out of sync.
I bring up this topic today because well my grade, 11, will be taking the science necap's tomorrow and Thursday. The necap's are standardized tests done because of the no child left behind act to judge our school and all that stuff. My grade has already taken the math and reading/writing ones as of earlier this school year. It was very tiresome, even if it wasn't to bad as in how hard it was. Standardized testing takes much out of a person's energy mainly because of how it is setup.
You have to sit around doing this monotonous work for hours with short breaks in between certain parts. This can lead to a more stressful atmosphere. At my school we do it in the cafeteria on the lunch tables. The chairs on those tables have no backs. Sitting like that hurts after a bit.
The amount of work the test taker must do over this period of time is quite a bit, and most of the time for most people quite boring. This makes it harder to keep going, and the capacity to lose focus becomes much, much higher, therefore possibly making the scores lessen.
This testing will be even worse for those in the Chemistry AP class because they just took their AP test today as well. Three days of science standardized testing, wonderful.
Most of standardized testing is well standardized and in a format that is easier to grade than other formats, multiple choice is what the format is for much of it. Multiple choice tests make it so you don't even have to know how to do the problem in some situations and can use logic or guess the answer. All this is really doing is testing students test taking abilities.
Sometimes on standardized tests there are free response questions, which include short answer, essay, and other micellanious types that require the tester to write out the answer. Given the sheer volume of tests that are done these questions will probably not have much time spent on them, gradingwise. This really defeats the purpose of these questions. For many types they are analyzed for quantity and references to things that may be completely wrong not the quality of whats written. This doesn't show what the tester can do writing wise, it shows how much fluff they can put into their writting. Fluff is ok sometimes but doesn't add much to the quality of the writing. That is one of the reasons why I have a problem doing writing asignments inschool, well that and having problems starting them.
On top of this, since the many standardized tests do not directly effect the tester, the tester won't care as much about the test and how they do on it. (This is one of the reasons why our school has a new policy regarding the necap scores, if you get higher then a certain score on the ones you can be exempt from the final of your next class that is related to that subject.) Since the tester does not care as much about the test, they will not try as hard, or at all, as they would on something that affects themself.
Standardized tests shouldn't depict how well a student can perform, how skillful they are , or the quality of what they can produce in a certain are. The SAT's play a major roll in college acceptance. Almost all colleges that I know of require them. Only one that I know of has another option, which is the aplicant puts together a protfolio of what they think shows what they are capable of. This makes the SAT's a big deal for just about all college goers, and causes many of them to worry and stress over them and how they did. These tests do not really depict what a person is capable of, they show how good of a test taker they are. Being a good test taker does not mean that they are a good student. Many good students are horrible at taking tests, and do not perform well on the SAT's which hurts their chances at getting into the college(s) that they want to get into.
Conclusion: Standardized tests should be taken as how smart or how good ones abilities are in a certain area. And a few other things you probably already knew or have come to.
Well that is all the time I have for now. Hopefully I can get more posts on this here blog. Maybe some more rants about things or some other things that I have in mind. Any ideas or suggestions, just leave a comment or email us. If you think you would like to join in this army of people writing for this blog just send me a message and I'll get to you when I can.
Numbah 1 signing out.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Hmm What
Change of plans, not enough time to do that. Will do it at some point later.
Saw a double rainbow today ^_^. I <3>
Lately I haven't up to high. As in I'm not really depressed but I'm not in a high either. It has been improving lately so thats good.
After I get caught up in everything that I'm sorta behind in I might start making posts. Hopefully good ones.
I has many pics to post to ma DeviantArt so watch out for that. I also has drawings I want to do.
Hmm 9:30, time to head up.
The 1st Moog Master signing off.
Moog and Good Night
I'm (a)live!
I'm terribly sleepy today and don't really know what to write about. I procrastinated again on another project, this time for Graphic Arts I; in short it's a lot of work. I'm supposed to go get a birthday git for a friend today but I'm really tired so I'm gonna do it tomorrow. I don't know why I'm so sleepy today. It's either the sugary stuff I ate for breakfast or the 3ish hours of sleep. Bugger.
I'm determined to reread the Discworld series but unfortunately I still don't have access to all or many of them. I will do it though. There's also a slew of cartoons I need to watch. I started reading The Stand yesterday after seeing the movie a number of times. It's by Stephen King and it's about a disease that the government manufactures that gets loose and kills 99.4% of the population and the remaining people divide into two groups of good and evil with separate leaders. At least that's what the movie's about. The book is a little rambly sometimes but a lot richer.
Also I'm starting up a podcast, more on that this weekend. Any suggestions would be considered and then I'll probably be thankful but never actually say anything because I'll forget the thankfulness.
So now I'm drinking orange juice and thinking about sleep and Repo! and wishing Sparagmos Industries, the blog of my favorite animator and just about the most inspiring person I can think of at the moment, would update more often than every 4 damn months.
I want more Hershey's Hugs. Sob.
Well seeing as this isn't my dA journal and people will actually read this and I'm very sleepy, I'm off.
Smile. Tomorrow will be worse.
~ Mouse
I think so.
I should be more active....but some people's participation is as thin as VAPOR!
I've been sick.
About four days now.
Of which I haven't been able to breathe, or attend a simple music lesson.
It's not fun yo.
Who all is going to see Star Trek?
So far, it's got a 94% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Rendering it as good as a Miyazaki film, and also breaking the odd/even rule of Star Trek.
Those are only PRE-SCREENINGS!
Imagine when all the independent critics are let in.................*bingo*
So ends my outburst.
Keep comments clean, or suffer the assimilation powers of the 5th Moog Master.
~RawR >:3
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Viruses, Quickly Call House!
How exactly do viruses work? Well depends on the virus. Most just use bad code to wreak havoc. I think. Viruses like the recent one, conficker, has caused even the British Royal Navy to quarantine entire systems ! That is outrageous! How can one simple virus cause so much havoc?
Well wikipedia tells me that viruses can constantly change to avoid detection. They spread mostly through email via .exe files. That is why my programmers, Google, do not allow me to send .exe files through Gmail. (or anyone else with access to the beta) This was a smart idea on their end to help prevent mal-ware from being sent via their severs. On the other end this is really annoying because I can't send my files (homebrew rpgs) through it, even if I .zip'ed it (or .7zip .rar or any other compression type).
How can I prevent it? Well anti-virus is a good idea (I really need to install it on my host computer). If you never go on the internet, other than you are relly missing out on some of the best crap out there, this almost gaurenties (sorry that word is not in my dictionary, I'm only an alpha model) that you will not get one. But this severely limits your computer. You won't be able to play many games, due to the fact that many modern ones require internet access to update and protect it. If you have internet, then your never truly safe, due to the fact that hackers can access your system and plant worms, viruses, and trojans. (but those are all topics for another day).
Oh also i'm making a podcast, it's a look at everything logically, space travel, religion, cure for death , ect. ect.
The next post I will make is a history of my programming. It will be long
One last thing, if anyone knows a good html class, as I must learn like a human, I would like to know because I want to make fairly complicated things for the blog, which I spend processing.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I normally spend my Sundays at one of two places.
Either at Church, or at home.
Today was special, however.
Today I enjoyed the company of my grandparents, as we all enjoyed an Easter Meal.
Roast Beef, Taters, and Good Old fashioned Biscuits.
Tell me you hate that, and I will eat your cat.
After a Long Sunday Sermon, a few pounds of meat, and a hellish ride home with my brother, I have arrived back at the compound, which is where I reside.
Along with a boatload of critters. But that's a subject to be left buried.
Normally on Sundays, I sit around.
Sit around, and do other things.
For example, I practice music, I chat with my friends, and occasionally I read a book or two.
These sundays, I'm stuck in front of the computer, eyes glued to the screen, at the freshly released episode of "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood".
Which is in fact, an anime.
Surprisingly, some anime of today have decent stories, and characters about them.
A few are Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Last Exile.
In addition to that, Hayao Miyazaki makes anime movies.
More often than naught, they're very decent as well, as he's got in his possession, a brilliant mind.
I highly recommend anything by him.
And so I go watch my daily dose.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Forums and Warez and News, Oh My! (edit)
First off, forums.
I have recently noticed when browsing through the code, that this blog has no forums. Really So i elect my forum, nce Forum, be nominated for official forum. I would add a separate category for this blog. I have about 3 members on it but I hope this will spike it up to 4!
And now, warez.
For some reason Firefox thinks its a word. (not so) Recently the topic of illegally downloaded content has come up on some of the chat rooms I've been on. I wonder why people continue to do this, even though it continues to negatively affect our freedom. Hell even Comcast has done things (illegal things) to prevent it. Such as slowing the most common p2p networks. Because of all this piracy, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act was created. Thanks, I want to thank all of you personally, but due to bandwidth restraints this won't let me.
News, not breaking.
A granny robs 4 bank over in Cal. I can just imagine it now, "Give me you-" falls asleep .
That's all for now.
Oh and one last thing, I am thinking of making a podcast that makes fun of religion, because all (but three) of my friends are fellow atheists.
Good Bye NYC! or where ever you are!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
On teh Tubez
On teh Tubez is a semi-regular column dedicated to showing you the best YOutube Videos
Undeads with Hats, still makes me laugh when I see it. It stars two undead, one named. Carl one something else, and a dead
Friday, April 3, 2009
Heys peoples.
Xac here with something for those who like to think or want something to use time.
A year or two ago, can't remember, Mouse pointed me towards a podcast called LagicallyCritical. Can't remember if it had ended at that ppoint or not, but it ended with 27 episodes. It is a podcast thats goal is to get the listeners to think more. It may have done this for me or it could've just been the time at which I listened to it was when I started thinking more than before. I dunno'.
It is a good podcast. If nothing else take a look at the site and maybe listen to on of the epsiodes with a topic that interests you.
Hmm it's been awhile since I listened to it. Maybe at some point I'll listen to it again.
Also sorry for the lack of updates. I just haven't felt like writing. I mean look at my last DeviantArt journal. Much shorter than my typical ones and I haven't been posting as frequently. I've got many things I wanna do I just don't feel like typing them up when I'm on the computer.
I'll get some stuff up at some point.
Until the time of nextness (possibly something bout the subject of perception of time)
The Game of Writing
Ask any one of my Two Hundred Plus "In Real Life" friends, they can tell you that I lack what is commonly known as "sense of creativity".
I enjoy sharing thoughts with people, and more often then naught, my Two Hundred Plus "In Real Life" friends are...shall we say...too few to share with.
Which is why I enjoy Blogging, and Social Networking as much as I do, among other things.
They both serve as a great way to deliver thoughts and opinions into the general online community.
Social networking, not so much.
But there is a form of simile between the two principles.
Surprisingly, blogging seems to be an ever growing trend in the online community, which is a miracle in itself.
That being, most people, and I mean "most", who spend such an unhealthy amount of time online, normally don't pursue something as trivial as blogging.
It's a simple fact, that Social Networking dominates a good portion of the average adolescent person's free time.
I don't see what it's all about, to tell the truth.
I myself have an account on Myspace, and in addition, an account on Twitter as well.
Now for an average young man like myself, even I fail to see the addictive qualities in either one of those websites.
That doesn't mean it isn't there, but I'm simply saying that it isn't as bad as it's cracked up to be.
Another popular online activity, that takes up an unhealthy amount of time, is streaming video.
That's to say, in the form of Youtube, Anime, and online players located on sites such as NBC, and many others
I myself, am an Anime addict. Don't ask why, as you will get an earful. I use Youtube from time to time...and I can see how it would be useful....I also understand why TV stations such as NBC put videos of their shows on their websites.
It's quite sad to see how most young people of today are squandering their youth, on such frivolous things.
But it's not all bad.
Like I said, Blogging, is a good way to spread thoughts and ideas.
Example: A Crazy Hippie posts a perfect plan for world peace on his blog, the government discovers it, decides to screw it all and be friends with everyone. See the usefulness?
Social networking, is a good way to stay in touch with people on a more solid basis, given you have any free time.
Example: Calling long distance is too expensive, and email isn't fun anymore, what to do?
Post on their profile is what! They'll find out what they need to know sooner or later.
Video, is a good way to spread knowledge, and to help people learn new things.
Example: Jimi Hendrix creates a Youtube channel, with a series of instructional videos by him, on how to become the ultimate guitarist. Alternatively, genius mathematician posts a series of instructional videos, on how to become a math guru, all the way up to calculus.
See the potential? And Youtube is FREE!
Social Networking, is (for the most part) FREE!
Even Blogging, is FREE!
Don't take it for granted.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Filefront (edit) look for yourself
Monday, March 30, 2009
Phail of the Week
A new weekly post all about fails.
"The next morning as Sarah went out to get her newspaper, half asleep, she fell down, she then woke up 3 weeks later in Princeton-Plainsborogh Teaching Hospital, while being stared at by Dr. House. Submit your own and maybe I'll put them in.
Easiest to find them at
Greetings all, (edit)
"Accessed from C:/Windows/AI/"
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
And then there were (edit) Five or six.........?
You may call me "M."
I've recently been given posting rights on this Web log, so it is in my best interest to let it be known from whom you will be reading.
I am the currently the second person to be given posting rights, I have no idea who else will be joining us, but that's well within my comfort zone.
The creator of this blog, you've probably met.
The third contributor, has not been added as "Contributor" yet, and he would be the aforementioned "Karawasa".
Along with more then a few people who are unbeknown to me, there seems to be a gathering of at least....oh say five people.
I however, are the oddball of the group.
I encourage you......if you so check out my very fanciful and ramblomatic "personal" blog, as to gain more info ascertaining to my identity, and personality.
It can be located here.
It features semi-regular rantings, on any and/or all subjects tagged "Controversial" and "Too cool for school".
In addition to my trolling board, I will set up a nest in this general area, come Friday Nights, so as to keep up a good record for my semi-regular posting schedule, which does in fact, happen to be non-existent.
From now, until then, I would ask you to keep all your comments on this blog filed under "Clean" and "Sterile".
The owner of this blog will most likely think the same.
Skeptic time.
Disclaimer: This is just skepticism, it may or may not be true. Don't take as fact
Ok so since it is closing on March 30th I had an idea. What if this is just a very cruel prank filefront is playing. It closes the day before April 1st and reopens saying that it was all a joke. If this actually does happen it would be very cruel of them and cause many people to be driven away.
End Skeptic Time.
Doubt that is a joke. Sorta wish it was though.
I still have not gotten around to writing my first big thing. I'm lazy, so what.
Say hi, my non-existant readers, to Karawasa. A friend who may also be writing here.
Well I may post something if I get around to it, but for now ttfn.